Deepen Intimacy: 7 Practial Keys to Unlock Intimate Communication

Table of Contents

Effective Communication is Intimacy Magic

When Communication Goes Awry

Barriers to Intimate Communication

The Spell of Disconnection

7 Keys to Unlock Intimate Communication & Break the Spell of Disconnection

Benefits of Intimate Communication

Intimate Communication is an Ongoing Practice


In relationships, effective communication is the foundation for cultivating intimacy and emotional closeness. Yet, despite our best intentions, communication can often go awry, leading to disconnection and frustration.

In this post, we’ll explore barriers that hinder intimate communication and I offer seven powerful keys that unlock intimate communication. From creating a safe space for open dialogue to embracing vulnerability and curiosity, these practical strategies will guide you toward deeper, more fulfilling connections with your partner.

Whether you're looking to enhance emotional intimacy or physical intimacy, this post will equip you with some tools to foster a healthier, more intimate relationship. Because intimacy starts with effective and healthy communication.

Effective Communication is Intimacy Magic

Over the past twentyish years, I've spent some time learning how to communicate better. It all began when I was an undergrad. I took a social psychology course called Social Relationships.

We read two books by Deborah Tannen that really had an impact on me. One called “You Just Don’t Understand!: Women and Men in Conversation.” And the other called “That’s Not What I Meant!: How Conversation Style Makes or Breaks a Relationship.”

Men and women communicate differently? Conversation styles can break a relationship? What?!

At the time, that information felt mind blowing. 🤯

Some of my relationship struggles made so much more sense. They stemmed from misunderstandings and different styles of communication. And they could be solved with some awareness, understanding, and communication tweaks.

Cool! It wasn’t my fault! I wasn’t stupid. I just didn’t know. 😅

Until then, I didn’t know I could learn how to communicate better to create more harmony and closeness in my relationships.

That was totally worth the cost of my entire undergraduate education.

After that class, my thirst for learning more about communication took hold. Like a vampire, I snuck into various blood banks to quench my thirst. 🩸 Okay. I didn’t. Or did I? 🤔

But I did learn more about effective communication through self-help books. Classes. Workshops. Coaching training programs. And lots and lots of trial-and-error and practice. It’s not quite like learning a foreign language, but it sort of is.

I brought these communication skills into my relationships and I continue to see how powerful they are.

Because they foster emotional connection instead of disconnection. 💕

It’s like intimacy magic! 🪄

And, as an intimacy coach, I teach couples how to use effective communication so that they can connect more deeply too.

Awwww…warm, fuzzy connection. 🥰

When Communication Goes Awry

Yet, no matter how many amazing, healthy, effective communication skills you have, you’re going to forget to use them sometimes.

It’s super awesome when we’re on our game and we can be all compassionate, curious, loving, and kind. 💖 And have deep, meaningful conversations about challenging things that bring us closer together. 🎉

But sooner or later, you’re going to be off your game. Or your partner is. Or someone…

☹️ Has a bad day

😥 Feels stressed

😩 Feels exhausted

🤧 Feels under the weather

😣 Feels irritable, on edge, or frustrated

😰 Is in the dark depths of an emotional wave

😡 Feels angry

😡 Gets triggered

And then there will be a terrible fight. Or an argument. Or a very passionate disagreement that looks like a debate gone very, very wrong.

Sprinkled with blame. Shame. The dreaded “always” and “never” statements. Invalidation. Defensiveness. Needing to be right…damn it!

Or…the silent treatment. Passive-aggressive behavior. Ignoring. Avoiding.

And we act like self-centered, childish jerks. Throwing tantrums like two year olds. 😖 Or pouting like emo teenagers. 🥺

Like Godzilla stomping her way through Manhattan, these destructive communication skills wreak havoc in our relationships. They cast a spell of disconnection in our relationships. And they feed on anger and resentment. Frustration and disappointment. Which creates more disconnection. Ugh.

Sound familiar? 😉

I, for one, am deeply familiar with these patterns. Because they happen in my relationship too.

Until one of us realizes it’s happening and breaks the spell of disconnection. From a sly smile or a subtle joke (usually my husband’s approach) to a loud “Stop! We’re doing it again!” (usually my approach) to snap us out of it.

And then we can call upon our healthy communication skills - the ones that foster emotional intimacy and closeness - to reconnect.

It’s like a dance between disconnection and connection, giving us many opportunities to practice our dance moves. 🕺🏻

We have a sense of humor about these patterns, and that helps us not take things so personally or seriously. Things can be important, but we don’t have to take them so seriously.

It’s a work in progress. And we’re going to make some messes. We just are. We’re undoing some very old patterns. And so are you. And that’s totally okay. It happens.

What’s important is that we have effective communication skills to clean up those messes.

So that we can reconnect after the disconnection.

Barriers to Intimate Communication

The way I see it, there are two main barriers to intimate communication: emotional immaturity and shitty communication skills. Part of developing emotional maturity is about developing effective communication skills.

It can be especially hard for couples when one person has more emotional maturity than the other because effective communication can be so challenging. It creates more distance between them.

So both partners need to be willing and able to grow their emotional maturity and developing effective communication skills.

No one on a growth path wants to be in a relationship with someone who lacks emotional maturity.

Even if we’re pillars of emotional maturity most of the time, we can easily slip back into old patterns of emotional immaturity and shitty communication skills in times of stress or when we’re triggered.

There are many behaviors that can make effective communication and intimate communication challenging. Here are some of them:

❤️‍🩹 Difficulty managing or regulating our emotions which may lead to impulsive reactions like anger, defensiveness, withdrawal, or frustration

❤️‍🩹 Lack of self-awareness about how our moods and emotions impact those around us

❤️‍🩹 Fear of vulnerability or being perceived as weak for being vulnerable

❤️‍🩹 Fear of judgment or criticism

❤️‍🩹 Fear of conflict resulting in passive-aggressive behavior or the silent treatment

❤️‍🩹 Poor listening skills like interrupting, talking over others, or focusing on what we want to say next rather than listening to understand our partner’s perspective

❤️‍🩹 Blaming others for our feelings, emotions, or circumstances

❤️‍🩹 Invalidating or dismissing our partner’s feelings, emotions, or experiences as unimportant or an overreaction

❤️‍🩹 Focus on winning (being right) instead of finding a resolution or understanding our partner’s perspective

❤️‍🩹 Lack of empathy where we’re unable to put ourselves in our partner’s shoes and understand things from our partner’s perspective

❤️‍🩹 Inability to apologize or admit when we’re wrong

The next time you engage in one of your normal conversations or arguments, notice where these crop up - either in yourself or your partner.

Self-awareness is the first step in identifying where there’s room to grow. But self-awareness isn’t enough. We also need better skill sets to replace the old skill sets.

Healthy communication is key to overcoming these barriers.

Fortunately, we can learn better communication skills. 🎉

And we can learn to grow our emotional maturity. 💖

The Spell of Disconnection

If you notice any of these behaviors in yourself or your partner…remember that it’s not your fault. And it’s not their fault. No one taught us about emotional maturity.

In America, we live in a culture that thrives on disconnection and extreme-individualism. And our culture has a pretty fucked up relationship with emotions.

We’re under a cultural spell of disconnection.

We’re conditioned an early age to disconnect from our emotions - because they’re too much for other people to handle because they couldn’t handle their own. 😩

That goes double for us highly sensitive people and empaths.

No one taught us effective communication skills either.

Communication skills were first modeled to us by our parents and other family members. Then people at child care or school, through movies and TV shows, and the like.

I didn’t learn healthy communication skills from my parents. Instead, I learned that speaking up for myself was bad. So I learned to people-please. Be a “good girl.” Be invisible. To disconnect from my emotions, needs, and desires. My body. My parents, teachers, lovers, friends, spouses. And to disconnect from my truth. And my voice.

I suspect you learned some similar things too.

Healthy communication is key in breaking this spell of disconnection.

So that we can stop the shitty communication and start the intimate communication.

7 Keys to Unlock Intimate Communication & Break the Spell of Disconnection

So, let’s cast a spell for intimate communication to break that toxic cultural spell of disconnection. 🪄

The more connected we are to ourselves and our partners, the more powerful we are. ⚡️

Use these 7 practical keys to unlock the magic of intimate communication to create a deeper emotional connection:

🗝️ Create a Safe Space

Set an intention to create a safe space in an environment that is private, free from distractions, and comfortable for both of you. And at an appropriate time for both of you.

🗝️ Practice Makes Perfect

Communication is a learned skill. It’s a practice that requires patience and persistence. Create a regular communication ritual - once a week, every two weeks, or once a month.

I’ll share some resources below to get you started.

🗝️ Own Your Emotions

Take responsibility for your own feelings and emotions. Use “I” statements to express how you feel and why.

No one can make you feel any certain way, e.g., you make me so mad when you leave your dirty clothes in the middle of the floor.

Instead, take responsibility for your emotions and say “I feel mad when your dirty clothes are in the middle of the floor because I have to step over them to get to my side of the bed or I pick them up myself and I’m not your maid.”

🗝️ Be Curious

Ask questions. Don’t assume you and your partner know everything about each other, like thoughts, perspectives, beliefs, reasons, definitions. Be curious.

You might think you know, but you probably don’t know unless you ask.

For example, one of the couples I’ve coached had a difficult time cultivating more desire in their relationship. So I asked each of them what “desire” meant. They had very different definitions of it, yet didn’t know that because they hadn’t asked each other what “desire” meant to them.

So don’t assume. Ask.

🗝️ Choose Your Moments

Knowing when to engage in a conversation is just as important as knowing how to communicate.

If you’re in the midst of a tigger, it’s probably not the right time to discuss important matters.

If you’re in a public place and you have a bone to pick with your partner, it’s probably not the right time to discuss it.

This goes back to creating a safe space.

🗝️ Prepare for Conflict

Understand that arguments will happen. Focus on how to reconnect and move forward.

Learn some effective communication skills. I’ll share some resources below.

🗝️ Have Some Fun

Have some fun and play together. It lightens the mood, strengthens your bond, and builds resilience. It creates a resource of good will that you can draw upon during the challenging times.

Benefits of Intimate Communication

When you use these seven keys regularly, you can begin to unlock intimate communication. They’re the frosting on the cupcake of your relationship. 🧁

Because your relationship becomes sweeter. More delicious. 😋

Something you want to savor and enjoy. It becomes a safe harbor instead of a storm you want to avoid.

One thing became crystal clear to me over the years: effective communication that creates connection - intimate communication - is the foundation for intimacy.

And it’s the pathway to deeper intimacy. Be it emotional intimacy or physical intimacy. Any kind of intimacy, really. Spiritual. Recreational. Intellectual.

When you create a safe enough space to talk honestly with your partner from a place of vulnerability, empathy, and curiosity, then you have intimate communication.

When you have intimate communication, you can:

💞 Reconnect after those terrible fights

💞 Facilitate problem-solving

💞 Enhance emotional intimacy

💞 Enhance physical intimacy

💞 Get your needs met

💞 Achieve your desires

💞 Understand each other better

💞 Develop more emotional maturity

💞 Discuss challenging topics with ease

💞 Be equal partners

💞 Feel satisfied and happy

💞 Be in your power

These are the cherries on top of your relationship cupcake. 🍒🍒

Intimate Communication is an Ongoing Practice

Intimate communication is not a one-time fix; it’s an ongoing practice that requires self-awareness, commitment, and vulnerability. The journey to mastering intimate communication may be challenging, but it’s incredibly rewarding. By incorporating healthy communication habits and embracing vulnerability, you can create deeper connections, build trust, and enjoy more fulfilling relationships.

Remember, it’s never too late to break old patterns and replace them with healthier ways of interacting. The keys to intimate communication I’ve shared are not just strategies—they’re practical tools to help you build a foundation for lasting emotional closeness and physical intimacy.

Your intimacy host,


P.S. Explore how I can support you and your partner in developing intimate communication by booking your no-strings-attached Secret Rendezvous here: Secret Rendezvous

Learn more about me here: About Me


5 Keys to Deepen Emotional Intimacy aka How to Ghost-Proof Your Relationship


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