Moon Mavens

Personalized Moon Phases

Harness the power of the moon phases by working in harmony with them.

In this group, you’ll learn about:

🌕 The eight moon phases

🌕 What the moon and sun represent in each moon phase

🌕 How to identify what zodiac sign and degree a moon phase occurs in

🌕 How to derive meaning about each degree of the zodiac

🌕 Astrological houses

🌕 How to identify what house(s) the moon phase activates for you

How Moon Phases are Created

The moon doesn’t shine its own light. Rather, it reflects the light from the sun.

From our perspective on Earth, it’s the position of the sun and moon in relation to Earth that gives the appearance that the moon changes shape.

One night we see nothing, as if the moon disappeared. Another night we see a tiny sliver of the moon. On yet another night we see a half circle. And on another night we see full circle.

Even though the moon looks different each night, the moon’s shape doesn’t change. As the moon travels around Earth, different parts of the moon are illuminated by the sun.

It’s the relationship between the sun and moon that allows us to see the sun’s light reflected on the surface of the moon.

And it’s the relationship between the moon and sun that create the moon phases.

The Moon and the Fates

In Mesopotamian astrology, the moon was incredibly important and was associated with The Fates.

The Fates hand out situations and circumstances that may have a noticeable emotional impact. From subtle to a gut-punch.

During each moon cycle, we have the opportunity to respond to the fates that befall us by exercising our free will.

Our best (and worst) free will response is illuminated by the sun.

In moon phase work, the sun is equally important to the moon when considering their impact on our lives.

These fates play out in various areas of our lives, represented by the astrological houses.

There are twelve astrological houses which cover the gamut from birth to death and everything in between.